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Through the PLATFORM available at, OpenDataSoft provides Software as a Service (“SaaS”) solutions that work with open data portals, internal data references, smart city platforms, and data marketplaces to provide:

  • Processing and publication of datasets for systems management/managers;
  • User data search and visualization; and
  • Reuse of data via simple and powerful APIs for developers.

This privacy policy applies to you, as a user of the domain available at (the "DOMAIN"). The purpose of this document is to provide you with information on how your personal data will be collected and processed by UT-Battelle, LLC (hereinafter THE COMPANY).

The DOMAIN is part of a federal computer system used to accomplish federal functions— THE DOMAIN is maintained through an account of work sponsored by the Department of Energy (“DOE”) as part of the United States Government. The DOE directly or through THE COMPANY monitors the DOMAIN for, among other things, security purposes to ensure it remains available to all users and to protect information in the system. By accessing the DOMAIN, you are expressly consenting to these monitoring activities and the privacy practices described in this Privacy Policy.

Unauthorized attempts to defeat or circumvent security features, to use the system for other than intended purposes, to deny service to authorized users, to access, obtain, alter, damage, or destroy information, or otherwise to interfere with the system or its operation is prohibited. Evidence of such acts may be disclosed to law enforcement authorities and may result in criminal prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (Pub. L. 99-474) and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-294), (18 U.S.C. 1030), or other applicable criminal laws.


Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the GTCs, available at


Legal notice: The CONTROLLER is the person who determines the means and purposes of personal data processing. The SUBCONTRACTOR is a person processing personal data on behalf of the CONTROLLER, who acts under the authority and direction of the CONTROLLER.

Your personal data is collected and processed by THE COMPANY, who is the controller (collector and processor) of the personal data collected and processed by THE COMPANY during the use of the DOMAIN.

OpenDataSoft acts as a SUBCONTRACTOR of the THE COMPANY when the latter collects and processes data via its DOMAIN, which it manages in its sole discretion. Therefore, each THE COMPANY shall have the status of CONTROLLER of the data for BENEFICIAIRIES processed with THE COMPANY’S DOMAINS and DATASETS published on THE COMPANY’S DOMAINS. For example, in a case where a THE COMPANY subscribes to the “MARKETPLACE” SERVICE, THE COMPANY would process its BENEFICIAIRIES’ data in its capacity as the CONTROLLER, and OPENDATASOFT would be only a SUBCONTRACTOR.

This Privacy Policy is limited to data processing performed by THE COMPANY as part of the exploitation of its DOMAIN.


As part of the exploitation of its domain, THE COMPANY will collect BENEFICIARIES’ personal data:

  • When you visit the DOMAIN;
  • When you use the functionalities on the DOMAIN;
  • When you engage in exchanges with the COMPANY or with other BENEFICIARIES via the DOMAIN.

The data that may be collected and processed by THE COMPANY to accomplish the purposes described in this Privacy Policy includes:

  • Data for identification (for example: first name, last name, and e-mail addresses);
  • Data for account creation and management;
  • Data concerning the management and security of each account created from the DOMAIN (IDENTIFIERS, passwords, API keys); and
  • Connection data (IP addresses, connection logs).

In such cases, we generally limit the collection of personal information to only the minimum information required to accomplish the stated purpose of the collection. Do not provide personal information that is not requested by PLATFORM or THE COMPANY.


Your data is collected by THE COMPANY to ensure functions such as:

  • The proper functioning and ongoing improvement of the DOMAIN and its functionalities;
  • Maintenance of statistics to improve the functioning of the DOMAIN

The COMPANY will also use this data as needed for legal and regulatory purposes.


When you open your account, you will complete a variety of forms and provide personal data.

By providing THE COMPANY with your personal data, you expressly consent to have such data collected and processed by THE COMPANY for the purposes described in each support of data collections.

As a BENEFICIARY, you consent to have your connection data to the DOMAIN collected to facilitate your navigation.


Personal information that you provide may be disclosed to authorized third-parties (e.g. subcontracted service providers, vendors) that provide services for or on behalf of THE COMPANY. Your information will only be disclosed as permitted by applicable law. THE COMPANY does not sell or trade your personal information. We may disclose personal information to the U.S. Government in response to legal actions, court orders, authorized law enforcement investigations, and as otherwise required by law or as requested by Department of Energy (DOE).


THE COMPANY attempts to ensure that the data it collects is retained in a manner that allows your identification only for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes for which such data has been collected and processed.

However, data establishing proof of a right or contract or data retained to comply with a legal obligation can be kept on file in accordance with the limitations periods of applicable law.


On its DOMAIN , THE COMPANY makes use of connection data (date, time, Internet address, IP address of the visitor’s computer, page consulted) and cookies (small files registered in your computer), making it possible to identify you, store your queries, and make use of the DOMAIN’s metrics and audience statistics, particularly with regard to the pages consulted.

While navigating on the DOMAIN, you accept THE COMPANY’S installation of these “technical” cookies for the sole purpose of enabling or facilitating electronic communication between your terminal equipment and the DOMAIN, facilitating management and navigation on the latter.


You may have the option of clicking on the icons dedicated to the social networks Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and/or LinkedIn appearing on the DOMAIN.

Any personal information that you may designate as public and accessible from your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and/or GOOGLE+ profiles shall be accessible to THE COMPANY, and the USER expressly authorizes this access.

If you wish to challenge THE COMPANY’S access to personal information designated as public and accessible from a link between your profiles and the applicable social network, you must use the applicable social network functions to limit such access to your data.


The DOMAIN is hosted in the United States. If you are visiting the THE DOMAIN from outside the United States, your information may be transferred to, stored and processed in the United States or other countries in accordance with this Privacy Policy. The data protection and other applicable laws of the United States or other countries may differ from the data protection or consumer protection laws in your country. Your information may be available to government authorities under lawful orders and law applicable in the United States. By using the THE DOMAIN and/or providing personal information to us, you consent to the transfer of your information to the THE DOMAIN and use of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.


The PLATFORM may link to websites created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations and individuals. When you follow a link to an external site, you are subject to the external site's privacy and security policies. We do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of information contained on an external site. We also do not endorse the site's sponsor, any views they express, or any products or services they offer.

THE COMPANY may also maintain a presence on third-party websites such as social media sites or video hosting websites. Your activity on those sites is governed by the third-party website's security and privacy policies.